Guide to Gratitude


What is gratitude??Gratitude is being grateful for.While viewing the secret I found people stressing on gratitude journals and counting things every morning tobe  grateful for.I tried it for couple of weeks but I felt it more of a boring routine rather than thankfulness.So though at the beginning it started showing results but with time the curve of my feeling was going down.I still have a gratitude journal app on my phone but I stopped using it to count things I am grateful for,rather I thank the universe each and every time I feel grateful about something.I developed a habit of greeting people with a warm innocent smile even strangers,it may sound strange but according to me it is also a way of saying thank you to the universe.In my last blog I mentioned about my stagnant situation but I want to accept that I am grateful to the universe for this situation because it got me into blogging and blogging has introduced me to a new universe of bloggers where I interact with like minded bloggers with different backgrounds,culture,countries.Before this world unveiled itself to me I had idea about such a great place.I now have my own place to share my thoughts and feelings and get accepted too.So universe thank you so much for this wonderful gift.Love you ❤ .Trust you..😍

9 thoughts on “Guide to Gratitude

    1. Its a simple word file type stuff where you write things you are grateful for…it has images n stuff…available in android and windows market..iPhone no idea.even vision boards are available there..


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